RIGHT$: Your String Tail-End Tamer

RIGHT$: Your String Tail-End Tamer

Need to grab the end of a word, phrase, or sentence? Want to extract the last few characters from a string? Look no further than the RIGHT$ command, your string tail-end tamer! This handy function lets you precisely slice off the rightmost part of a string, leaving you with just the characters you need. It's like having a tailor-made tool for trimming your text!


RIGHT$(<string>, <length>)

Where: - <string>: The string you want to extract characters from. - <length>: The number of characters you want to keep, counting from the right end of the string.


The RIGHT$ function is your go-to tool when:

  • Extracting file extensions: Isolate the ".txt", ".prg", or other extensions from filenames.
  • Getting the last part of a word: Grab the suffix of a word, like "-ing" or "-ed".
  • Formatting data: Extract the last few digits of a number, like a phone number extension.
  • Validating input: Check if the end of a user's input matches a specific pattern.

Code Examples

1. Simple Character Extraction:

10 A$ = "Commodore 64"
20 B$ = RIGHT$(A$, 2)  :rem B$ stores "64"
30 PRINT B$             :rem Output: 64

This example extracts the last two characters ("64") from the string "Commodore 64".

2. Extracting File Extension:


This snippet demonstrates how to use RIGHT$ in conjunction with INSTR and LEN to determine the file extension of a user-inputted filename.

RIGHT$ in the Wild: The Phone Number Formatter

Imagine you're writing a program to manage contact information. RIGHT$ could help you extract the last four digits of a phone number, which might be a useful way to display or organize the data.

Don't let your strings get too long-winded! With RIGHT$ in your toolbox, you can easily snip them down to size, extracting just the information you need from the right end. It's a simple yet powerful function that can streamline your string manipulations and make your Commodore 64 programs more efficient. So embrace the precision of RIGHT$ and become a master of string trimming!

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