NEW: Your BASIC Blank Slate

NEW: Your BASIC Blank Slate

Need a fresh start? Feeling cluttered with old variables and program remnants? Meet NEW, your one-stop shop for clearing out your Commodore 64's BASIC workspace! This command is like a magical eraser, wiping away your current program, variables, and even the command history, giving you a clean slate to start your next coding masterpiece.



(That's it! No parameters needed.)


The NEW command is your go-to tool when:

  • Starting a new project: Clear out any leftover code and variables from your previous masterpiece.
  • Freeing up memory: Reclaim valuable memory space occupied by your current program and data.
  • Resetting variables: Quickly reset all variables to their default values (usually 0 or empty strings).
  • Troubleshooting errors: If you suspect leftover data is causing issues, NEW can help you start with a clean environment.

Code Examples

1. Before and After NEW:

10 A = 42
20 PRINT A  :rem Output: 42
30 NEW
40 REM write "PRINT A", output: 0

This example shows how NEW resets the variable A back to its default value of 0.

2. Clearing a Program:

10 PRINT "Hello"
20 NEW
30 PRINT "This won't be printed"

After executing NEW, only "Hello" will be printed, as the rest of the program is erased.

NEW in the Wild: The Creative Reset Button

Imagine you're a musician composing a song on your Commodore 64 using a music program. The NEW command is like hitting the reset button on your synthesizer, clearing away any previous notes and patterns, allowing you to start a new composition with a fresh canvas of sound.

Don't let old code and variables hold you back! With NEW, you can easily wipe the slate clean and embark on your next coding adventure with a renewed sense of freedom and creativity. It's like opening a new notebook, ready to be filled with brilliant ideas and innovative programs. So, whenever you're ready to start afresh, just remember the magic word: NEW!

Important Note: Remember that NEW is irreversible! Once you execute it, your current program and data will be gone forever (unless you've saved it to a tape or disk). So use it wisely!

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