LEFT$: Your String Slice Master

LEFT$: Your String Slice Master

Need to grab the beginning of a word or phrase? Want to extract the first few characters from a longer string? Say hello to LEFT$, your trusty string slice master! This handy function lets you chop off the leftmost portion of a string, leaving you with just the characters you need. It's like a precise pair of scissors for your text!


LEFT$(<string>, <length>)

Where: - <string>: The string you want to extract characters from. - <length>: The number of characters you want to keep, starting from the left.


The LEFT$ function is your go-to tool when:

  • Extracting parts of words: Get the first letter, the first syllable, or the first few letters of a word.
  • Parsing data: Separate a comma-separated string into individual components.
  • Formatting output: Create neatly aligned columns of text by truncating longer strings.
  • Validating input: Check if the beginning of a user's input matches a specific pattern.

Code Examples

1. Simple Character Extraction:

10 A$="Hello, world!"
20 B$=LEFT$(A$,5) :rem B$ stores the first 5 characters of A$
30 PRINT B$       :rem Output: Hello

This example extracts the first 5 characters from the string "Hello, world!" and stores them in B$.

2. Parsing Names:

10 INPUT "Enter your full name: "; N$
20 FOR I=1 TO LEN(N$)
30 IF MID$(N$, I, 1) = " " THEN S=I
50 F$=LEFT$(N$,S-1)  :rem Extract the first name
60 PRINT "First name: "; F$

Here, LEFT$ is used to isolate the first name from a full name input.

LEFT$ in the Wild: The Acronym Generator

Imagine you're writing a program to automatically generate acronyms from longer phrases. LEFT$ could help you extract the first letter of each word, combining them to create the acronym.

Don't let long strings overwhelm you! With LEFT$ in your toolbox, you can precisely slice and dice your text, extracting just the portions you need. It's a simple yet versatile function that can streamline your string manipulations and make your Commodore 64 programs more efficient. So unleash the power of LEFT$ and become a master of string manipulation!

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