ATN: Your Angle Sidekick

ATN: Your Angle Sidekick

Ever wanted to know the angle whose tangent you have? That's where ATN swoops in, the trigonometric function that does just that! This command takes a tangent value and gives you back the angle (in radians) that corresponds to it. It's like having a built-in protractor for your code!



Where: - <tangent>: The tangent value for which you want to find the corresponding angle.


ATN is your go-to command when:

  • You're working with triangles and need to find an angle from its tangent ratio.
  • You're dealing with slopes or gradients (which are essentially tangents) and need to convert them to angles.
  • You're building games or simulations that involve trigonometry for calculating directions.

Code Examples

1. Simple Angle Calculation:

10 PI=3.141592653
20 T=1         :rem Tangent of 45 degrees is 1
30 R=ATN(T)    :rem R stores the angle in radians
40 D=R*180/PI  :rem Convert radians to degrees (PI is a system variable)
50 PRINT D     :rem Output: 45

This example shows how ATN finds the angle whose tangent is 1, which is 45 degrees.

2. Calculating Slope Angle:

10 PI=3.141592653
20 INPUT "Enter slope: "; M  :rem Slope (rise over run) is a tangent
30 A=ATN(M)*180/PI
40 PRINT "Angle of slope: "; A; " degrees"

Here, ATN converts the user-inputted slope into its corresponding angle in degrees.

ATN Unleashed: Navigating the High Seas

Imagine you're programming a sailing simulation. ATN helps your virtual sailors determine their course by calculating the angle between their current heading and the direction of the wind. Ahoy, matey!

Don't get lost in a sea of tangents! With ATN by your side, you can unlock the secrets of angles and navigate through your trigonometric challenges with ease. So let ATN be your guide – it's the compass you need to chart your course through the world of angles!

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